You may be able to overturn your declined application
​(read in its entirety)
Lenders commonly use Automated Underwriting Systems. And just like people, computers can make mistakes. That's why it's sometimes best to have a set of human eyes take a look at your file to see if the declined application should actually be overturned.
VERY IMPORTANT - This is a time sensitive matter, and if you don't call in a short period of time, the application will be closed by the lender, and result in another inquiry on your credit report to review your file. Please let us know the outcome of the call.
Some lenders have "secret" phone numbers that go directly to a decision maker. If the lender you are calling has one of those top secret numbers, we would have supplied you with that phone number. If the lender you are calling doesn't have a secret phone number, then you are going to have to navigate through their automated phone system. In most cases, you will want to follow the prompts that allow you to check the status of your application. Follow the directions it gives you, and then you will either be automatically connected with a live representative, or given an automated status update.
If you receive an automated application status update -- we are already aware of the current status, so what we need you to do is press '0' at that time to try to get a live representative on the phone.
The entire purpose of this phone call is to talk to an actual live person. If you haven't spoken to a person, you haven't completed this call.
What to say:
When you are connected with a representative, you need to let them know that you recently applied for a credit card, and you wanted some more information.
They may ask you for a reference number, if you do not have it, or we did not give you one -- just tell them that you don't have it with you and ask if they can look up your application using your social security number.
After they locate your application and verify your identity, tell them that you received a decline but you think there may be some kind of mistake.
If you HAVE NOT already received a letter in the mail with the decline reason, or information from Pathway with the decline reason - - then you need to first try to find out why you were declined. Without knowing that information, it will be impossible for you to explain why they should change their mind.
If they tell you that they do not have access to the reason that you were declined, politely ask if you can speak to a manager or someone that can better assist you.
How to get them to change their mind
Once you have identified the decline reasons, now it's time to plead your case.
Here are some tips to help you along:
Be Polite. This should really be a rule of life and anybody who has worked in customer service knows it’s the truth. If you’re polite, kind and courteous the customer service representative is going to do their best to help you out. If you’re rude, obnoxious and make threats they will go out of their way to make sure you’re not approved. It's always smart to call the representative by their name. It's proven that it opens people up and creates a certain level of rapport.
Know your credit score & details of your credit report. If you don't have access to a recent copy of your credit report, talk to your Funding Consultant so that they can get you access to it. Knowing both your credit score and report and having them accessible during a reconsideration call arms you with knowledge to overturn the decline. Often times the decline reason will state something that is contradictory to your credit report.
For example -- if they tell you that you are declined for having derogatory information on your credit report, but you don't have anything negative on your report...tell them that that information is not accurate, and ask them to reconsider your application.
Other times, the information they are telling you may be accurate, so now is the time to put plead your case and explain the negative information that they mention.
Here are some examples that may or may not apply to you:
Decline Reason - You have too many recent inquiries on your credit report
Explanation - I was always taught that it was smart to comparison shop. There are a lot of banks out there offering credit cards, so I wanted to make sure I was making the most educated decision with the most favorable terms. I had no idea I would be penalized for comparing my options.
Decline Reason - Too high of balances compared to credit limits
Explanation - I typically use that credit card because of the reward points, so I put all of my purchases on it and then pay it off.
Decline Reason - Derogatory information on your credit report/Late payments on credit accounts
Explanation - The reason I was late with those cards was that the card issuer had a problem with their Bill Pay feature causing me to be late. I’m currently contesting that negative item with them.
If you have a banking relationship with the lender or any other credit accounts with the lender, use that to your advantage. Let them know how long you have been a loyal customer of theirs and how you have always made good on your debts and obligations with them.
Regardless of the reason, after explaining what happened...ask them if there is a way that they can PLEASE reconsider your application.
Quick Tips:
If you are told the account has been APPROVED, always ask for the amount it was approved for and report that information back to us, so we can update our records.
Sometimes, the banks have trouble verifying certain pieces of your information, such as your address. If they request documentation from you, ask them what documentation you need to send them. Then get that information over to us, and we will get the necessary items submitted directly to their underwriting department to expedite the process.​
Once you have completed your call, please inform your Funding Consultant of the outcome.
Good Luck!